Sunday, June 22, 2008

RSS Feeds for Podcasts

The RSS feeds that I found for my podcasts involve a couple different aspects of my work. With one I found a unique teaching tool for photoshop. Photoshop is a great tool for photo editing that is used by professionals all around the world. This podcast helps to demonstrate how to do certain tasks and helps me to further round my professional experience.

The other podcast is one that I actually create already. I feel like having my work available through a RSS feed, I am able to reach more people and hopefully get some responses from the outside world on my work. The fact that I am trying to serve an audience that is not restricted to a certain area benefits with the use of this feed because it allows me to reach out to anyone.

This week I learned a lot about very useful tools on the web. Being in charge of a podcast already made what I learned even more valuable because I have found new ways to do things that I already do. Additionally, I have learned about new tools that I can already see benefiting me in my professional life.

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