Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How I spend my summer

I remember a time when summer meant being outside all day and night. That has now changed into sitting in an office all day, looking at a computer screen, and occasionally spending my nights away from my apartment, but that is mostly only to do more work. I guess I really shouldn't complain about my work at night because it is outdoors and pretty easy money.

Things were a little hectic for me for the past few weeks with wrapping up baseball season, having my brother graduate and all the family stuff that goes on with that, and then of course getting back to work and into the swing of class. Ironically this is the first year that I have ever taken a summer class in 20-some years of going to school.

When I'm not at work or studying like it's my job, I keep a close watch on the Cubs all summer long. From time to time I'll take a bike ride or try to get out and golf, but that really doesn't happen as often as I'd like it to. For the rest of the summer I see myself following that same schedule and getting home, to the Chicago suburbs, a couple times for some fun.

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