Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Course Wrap

Module three opened up my eyes to a wide range of tools around the internet. I work with the internet on a daily basis and have utilized some of these tools already. It is still amazing to see how much there really is out in the world for us to use in terms of web tools, and how often these tools are relatively simple ideas. Since these tools have become so common, it makes teaching people that much easier. Even looking back 5-10 years ago, the internet was a tool that could be used for teaching but it was not simple to share those tools with others. Understanding these new technologies can be extremely beneficial to a person in any type of teaching environment.

In my career, I have to use the web to send out pretty much every bit of work that I do. It was extremely valuable to find web features that are new to me and learn how I can add them to my daily work. Additionally, new workers can benefit from these types of tools because it simplifies how they can learn, in a hands on way, about the daily operations in my office.

Learning more about how blogs operate and the tools that you can add to them was the most valuable thing I learned in this section. Blogging has become an extremely popular tool, especially in the sports world, and has created a brand new fan voice forum. By making things out of my office available for use, fans can extend their voice and utilize the work we do daily. Only by learning about this am I now able to translate that into the workplace.

Overall in this course, it was important to learn about how teachers plan on using these tools in their courses. I have a good idea of how I will make use of them in more of a business type setting, but did not understand fully on how to use them as a teaching tool. Hearing ideas from teachers helped me to understand what the best ways are to organize these tools in a useful manner.

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